Paxima Mojavezi

Author, Journalist


Paxima Mojavezi's acquaintance with books and her ​discovery of the world of words began in her family's ​library in Tehran during her childhood. She developed a ​passion for storytelling early on, filling several notebooks ​with her tales and novels, which were read only by her ​school friends. She published her first collection of short ​stories at the age of 21.

To date, she has published six books, including four ​collections of short stories, a research book on love in the ​works of Sadegh Hedayat, and a travelogue about India. ​She states that writing is the one thing she will never give ​up.

About me

Paxima Mojavezi, an author and journalist, was born in 1978 in ​Tehran, the capital of Iran. She completed her university ​education with a master's degree in journalism in Iran and ​then went to India for her Ph.D. in the sociology of literature. ​Her doctoral dissertation focused on "The Social Movement of ​Iranian Women in Novels." After earning her Ph.D., she ​returned to Iran, where she taught at the university level and ​continued her work in journalism.

However, due to increasing pressures and censorship in the ​media and growing restrictions in academic teaching, she ​eventually left Iran and emigrated to the United States. She ​currently works as a journalist with Persian-language media ​outside of Iran and continues her literary writing and research.

My Notes

Articles, essays, and more...


Press & Interview

Due to Paxima Mojavezi's engagement in ​journalism, numerous reports, interviews, ​and articles by her have been published in ​Persian-language media.

In this section, you can find several notes ​and articles introducing and reviewing her ​books, as well as a few interviews with ​Paxima about storytelling.

Hidden (2016)


The film "HIdden" directed by Khorshid Najm is ​an adaptation of the story "Mirror" by Paxima ​Mojavezi from the book "Design of ​Hallucination."

This film was selected for the Edinburgh Short ​Film Festival in 2016.
